grade book

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How do I create a calculated column (e.g. a weighted grade) other than the built in 'total'

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ZivRan...

You can do this by creating assignment groups on your "Assignments" index page of your course.  Then, you weight each of those assignment groups however you want.  For example, you might have three separate assignment groups: Written Essays (worth 50% of the total grade), Quizzes (worth 35% of the total grade), and Graded Discussions (worth 15% of the total grade).  This would bring your total to 100% for the course.  Then, you put all of your assignments within each of these assignment groups.  In your Gradebook, you will see three additional each for the new assignment groups that you created.  Here are some Guides (and a bit more) that help explain how to set all this up.

Hope this helps!  Let Community members know if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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