"Calculate based only on graded assignments" checkbox not staying on [Student]

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I was just wondering if there was a way to keep the option "Calculate based only on graded assignment" checkbox found in Course > Grade, permanently on? Every time I refresh the page it turns back on which is very annoying, I would just like to have it enabled for all my classes. I added a screenshot of what the option i'm talking about looks like. 

Thank you! 

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@StormX ...

I'm confused by what you are asking.  When I look at the Student View for my own sandbox course (so I can see what you are seeing as a student), there is a checkmark in the box for "Calculate based only on graded assignments".  If I remove that checkmark and then click on my "Grades" course navigation menu option again on the left side of my screen, the "Calculate based only ono graded assignments" option has a checkmark in it again.  It does not remember that I unchecked it a few seconds earlier when I returned to this page.  You also mentioned that it turns back on every time you refresh the page.  But, then you say you want to have it enabled for all your courses.  If something is checked (as is the case with this), that usually means that it's enabled.

How do I view my grades in a current course? - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

I'm not sure there's any way to keep this checkbox deselected...if that is what you are asking.

Can you please clarify what you are wanting to see...as I'm not 100% sure.  Thanks!

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