students submitting file uploads on assignment where only text entry box is ticked

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Failure to follow explicit instructions notwithstanding, I don't understand how they are even able to do this, as I requested text entry on this assignment and did not tick the file upload box at all.

Is this a bug or a feature? It's making my life a bit more complicated, as I now have to decide whether I want to spend the extra time opening and reading the uploaded files, whether I should ding them points for failing to follow submission instructions given with the assignment etc.

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @erica_wagner ...

The "Text Entry" checkbox allows for more than just plain text.  In fact, "Text Entry" includes the full Rich Content Editor for students to format text they either type or paste in from another well as add links, media, images, etc. ... just like we can do when designing course content pages as instructors and Canvas administrators (my role).  These two Guides show the differences between "Text Entry" and "File Uploads" from a student perspective:

So, to answer your question...I would say this is a feature of Assignments...not a bug.

I hope this helps a bit.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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