update canvas to new semester courses

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My canvas is still showing my spring classes.  How do I get my summer semester to show up?  Thanks in advance for any assistance.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @hbcrnell ...

Every school does things a bit differently, so I won't be able to speak for anything that your school may or may not have established as far as transferring content from one course to another.  At my school, we work with folks from our IT department to get our Canvas course shells and enrollments sent from our Banner SIS (Student Information System) to Canvas each semester.  So, for example, if the University of Memphis had a similar setup, you might find that you already have access to your up-coming course within Canvas by going to the "Courses" >> "All Courses" screen.  How do I view all my Canvas courses as an instruct... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)  But, if you don't see your course listed on the "All Courses" screen, this means that you're not yet enrolled in that course, and you'd need to talk with someone at the University of Memphis' Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning department so they can get you enrolled.

I searched your school's website, and I found a lot of helpful pages...too many to list here.  But, maybe one of these (in no particular order) will be helpful to you:

Let Community members know if you have any other questions, but also reach out to folks at your school about your specific course(s) that you need access to...as we here in the Community would not have the ability to get you access to your courses.

Hope this helps a bit.  Take care, and be well.

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