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Canvas Release Notes (2022-10-15)

Canvas Release Notes (2022-10-15)

Upcoming Canvas Changes


  • Deprecation of Numerical variable substitutions will be changed to string values.
  • Feature Announcement: Calendar Event Title Tooltip will be enforced in the Canvas interface for all users.


  • Feature Announcement: Schedule Page Publication will default in Canvas as Enabled/Locked for all users in production.
  • Feature Announcement: Multiple Assignment Submissions Display as Single Submission for Third-Party Tools will default in Canvas as Enabled/Unlocked for all users in production.

For more information, please see Upcoming Canvas Changes.


In this Canvas release (15 October), Inbox functionality is improved for all users.

Feature Options

  • For institutions using the Schedule Page Publication feature option, instructors can schedule publication dates and time for pages.
  • For institutions using the Multiple File AGS Submissions Count as One Submission feature option, Speedgrader displays all files together. 

External Tools (LTI)

  • For institutions using BigBlueButton, users can enable a waiting room, add conferences to the calendar, and update or sync attendees.

Screencast | View the New Feature Screencasts page for a compilation of all available videos in this release.

All Resources | Features in this release may be included in product blogs and other content areas. For all related links, view the 2022-10-15 Community tag.


Updated Features

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BigBlueButton Conference Updates

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Name of LTI Tool


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles and Areas

All users, Conferences, Calendar

Related Idea Conversations

Calendar Events - Big Blue Button - button and enable recording

Feature Video

Release Screencast: 2022-10-15 Conferences BigBlueButton Conference Updates


When using BigBlueButton, users can enable a waiting room in Conferences Settings. Additionally, in Conferences, users can add conferences to the calendar and update or sync attendees.

Change Benefit

This update gives users the ability to manage when participants join the conference. Adding a conference to the calendar when creating a new conference with BigBlueButton allows users to invite attendees to the calendar event simultaneously. Additionally, the ability to sync attendees as they are added or removed allows users to quickly and easily update the attendees.

Feature Workflow

Conferences Enable Waiting Room CheckboxConferences Enable Waiting Room Checkbox

 When creating a new conference, click the checkbox to Enable waiting room.


Conferences Attendees Options MenuConferences Attendees Options Menu

 Instructors can update the Invitation Options and permissions for attendees.


Conferences Calendar Setting OptionsConferences Calendar Setting Options

 To add a conference to a calendar, click the checkbox to Add to Calendar [1], enter a Start Date [2], Start Time [3], End Date [4], End Time [5], and click Create [6].


Conferences Invitation Options TooltipConferences Invitation Options Tooltip

When adding a conference to the calendar, a tooltip displays indicating all course members must be invited to calendar events.


Conferences Sync Attendees LinkConferences Sync Attendees Link

 When attendees are removed or added to a course, instructors can sync the attendees with new conferences.


Feature Options

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Feature options allow institutions to enable newly developed Canvas functionality according to their preferred time frame. Unless otherwise noted, all feature options are opt-in and do not require any action by a Canvas admin until a feature’s enforcement date is announced. For a complete list of feature options, please see Canvas LMS Feature Options.

A feature preview label indicates a feature option in active development, which is being built directly through user feedback. Feature previews deploy updates outside the regular Canvas release schedule and are posted in the Related Releases section in Canvas Releases & Deploys.

Please reference the table below each feature heading for specific feature information. For general information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.



Schedule Page Publication

Feature Option Name to Enable

Scheduled page publication

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked), learn how to enable feature options

Beta Environment Availability

2022-09-19 (Enabled/Unlocked)

Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user role

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles and Areas

Admin, Instructors, Pages

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not Available

Enforcement Date

2022-11-19 Default status Enabled/Locked for all users in production; see Upcoming Canvas Changes

Feature Option State


Related Idea Conversations

Add "Lock until date" to content pages

Let us schedule a Publish Date / Time for Content Pages

Feature Video

Release Screencast: 2022-10-15 Pages Schedule Page Publication


When the Schedule Page Publication feature option is enabled, instructors can delay pages for publication on a specific date and time.

Change Benefit

This update allows instructors to prepare and schedule pages in advance to automatically publish in a course.

Feature Workflow

Edit Page Publish At FieldEdit Page Publish At Field

 When editing a page, select a Publish At date [1] and enter a Time [2]. 


Edit Page Save ButtonEdit Page Save Button

 Click Save.


Schedule Page to Publish IconSchedule Page to Publish Icon


 In Modules and Pages, instructors can view when a page is scheduled to publish. 

Additional Details

Scheduled pages remain invisible to students until the publish date and time.

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Multi-File Submissions Display as Single Submission for Third-Party Tools

Feature Option Name to Enable

Allow Multiple file AGS submissions count as one submission

Enable Feature Option Location & Default Status

Account (Disabled/Unlocked), learn how to enable feature options)

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


Subaccount Configuration



Inherent to user role

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles and Areas

Admin, Instructors, Speedgrader

Mobile App Support

Not available

Free-for-Teacher Availability

Not available

Enforcement Date

2022-11-19 Default status Enabled/Unlocked for all users in production; see Upcoming Canvas Changes

Feature Option State



When using third-party tools to upload assignments, multiple files submitted together will display as a single submission in Speedgrader.

Change Benefit

This update allows instructors to view submissions with multiple files together in Speedgrader.

Feature Workflow

Multi-File Submission Speedgrader DisplayMulti-File Submission Speedgrader Display

 Multiple files submitted together display as a single submission in Speedgrader.

Additional Details

Previously, when using third-party tools to submit assignments, each file displayed as a separate submission.


Other Updates

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Improved Inbox Functionality [Production Release Delayed]

Beta Environment Availability


Production Environment Availability


User Role & Summary Link

All Users | Canvas Features by User Role 

Affects User Interface


Affected Feature Areas


Previous Feature Mention

Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-09-14)


In the Inbox, coding has been updated to improve functionality for all users.

Change Benefit

This update utilizes InstUI for Inbox, Instructure’s internal design language, to provide improved accessibility and quality experiences.


Release Notes Change Log

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Updated Feature

  • BigBlueButton Conference Updates removed [Temporarily Delayed]

Updated Feature

  • BigBlueButton Conference Updates [Temporarily Delayed]

Updated Screencast Links


Updated Feature

    • Inbox Functionality Update
      • Production release delayed

Updated Feature

  • BigBlueButton Conference Updates
    • changed beta date
2022-09-22 Updated Feature
  • Multi-File Submissions Display as Single Submission for Third-Party Tools Beta and Production dates
2022-09-19 Published Release Notes

Change Log


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