Grade Definitions and Locations

This document lists where instructors and students can view grades for their courses. It also defines Canvas UI grading terminology. 


This document lists all the locations where instructors can view the grades for students in their courses and students and view their own grades.



  • Total Grade: the student’s total grade, including unposted scores
    • Location: Gradebook, New Gradebook, student’s grades page (instructor view)
  • Grading Scheme: the grading scheme range name is displayed alongside the student’s total grade 
    • Locations: Gradebook, New Gradebook, student’s grades page
  • Final Grade Override: a manually entered grade that will count as the student’s final grade for the course
    • Displays in a separate column next to the Total Grade in the Gradebook
    • The override grade displays to students but there are no indicators to the student that they are seeing an override grade
    • Locations: New Gradebook, student’s grades page (instructor view)
  • Grading Periods: provides filtering options if grading periods are used. If allowed, the total for all periods can be viewed
    • Instructors view of the total grade is calculated as normal; student view of the total grade is calculated as normal
    • Locations: Gradebook, New Gradebook, student’s grades page
  • Dashboard > View Grades: displays the average total grade for the instructor’s courses
    • The current score for students is used in the calculation of the average



  • Total Grade: the current total of the student’s graded and posted assignments
    • The Current Score in a gradebook export
    • Does not include muted/unposted scores
    • Calculates based only on graded assignments unless otherwise specified
    • Locations: grades page, dashboard grades page
  • Dashboard > View Grades: only displays the total grade for all the student’s courses

Last update: 2019-12-21

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