Admin Analytics Chart and Data Definitions

This document defines Admin Analytics filters and charts. It also outlines how far back data is available depending on the chart. Viewing data before listed availability dates will yield inaccurate results.


  • Data used in Admin Analytics charts is pulled from Canvas Data 2 and pulls data that is 8 hours old. 
  • Student enrollment data only includes active and concluded enrollments. 
  • Admin Analytics charts and data involve all courses, including public courses. However, participations and page view data includes only users with student or teacher (instructor) roles.
  • As an administrator, you can learn how to use Admin Analytics.
Admin Analytics data is pulled from Canvas Data 2 (CD2)/Data Access Platform (DAP).


Course with Activity Criteria

Allows you to edit the number of instuctors enrolled or students enrolled with at least one page view in the course. Page view data is available as far back as August 2019.

Student with Activity Criteria

Allows you to select which of the following criteria make up the Student with Activity chart: 

  • Page views
  • Participations
  • Days since last course access

View page view and participation definitions. Page view and participation data is available as far back as August 2019.


  • Criteria for Students with Activity will not impact how Courses with Activity are defined.
  • This filter only affects the Enrolled Students and Enrolled Students Over Time charts.

Overview Dashboard

The Overview Dashboard displays a high-level overview of Canvas usage at your institution.

Course Status 

The Course Status chart displays the number of courses with each status, given the selected filters. By default, a course with activity has at least one instructor enrolled and three students with at least one page view. 

  • Course statuses include: published, unpublished, deleted, and concluded. 
  • Student enrollment statuses include active and concluded. Deleted and inactive statuses are not included.
  • Page view data is available as far back as August 2019. Courses before that date will have a “without activity” status. 

Enrolled Students

The Enrolled Students chart displays students with or without activity. By default, a student with activity has at least one page view or participation in a course.

  • Enrolled students are included if their workflow state is active, completed, creation_pending, inactive, or invited.
  • Page view data is available as far back as August 2019. Student enrollments before that date will have a “without activity” status. 

Teacher Use of Canvas Courses

Based on the term or subaccounts filtered, the Teacher Use of Canvas Courses chart displays the number of teachers (instructors) who are enrolled in 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4+ courses with activity. 

  • Teachers (instructors are any Canvas user with the teacher role or a custom role based off of the Teacher role. 

Average Course Grades

This chart indicates the distribution of average course grades. Average course grade is calculated by converting each student's current course score value to a percentage and then averaging. 

  • Students with an enrollment status deleted or inactive are not included in average course grades. 
  • If a student has a score of 1,000% or greater or -1,000% or less, it is not included in the average course grade.
  • If no students in a course have a grade, the course is not included in the chart.
  • The score must have an active_score workflow state to be included in the chart. Deleted scores are not included.  

Interactions by Category

This chart displays page views and participation by Canvas feature. For external tools, a page view equals a tool launch. Learn more about page view and participation definitions

Interactions Over Time

This chart displays page views and participation over time. Learn more about page view and participation definitions. Page view and participation data is available as far back as August 2019. 

  • Due to the size of data included, it's not possible to view additional details for or download data from this chart.

Course Dashboard 

The Course Dashboard displays information about how courses with activity are using Canvas. You can view which features are actively used, and which courses have low average scores or low activity. 

Courses Published or Concluded with Activity

Courses Published or Concluded with Activity indicates the number of courses with activity, given the selected filters. By default, a course with activity has at least one instructor enrolled and three students with at least one page view. The progress bar shows Courses with Activity as a percentage of total courses.

Courses with an Average Grade < 70%

Courses with an Average Grade <70% indicates the number of Courses with Activity where the average grade is below 70%. 

  • The progress bar shows this number as a percentage of all Courses with Activity.
  • Average score is calculated by converting students' current course scores to percentages and then averaging. 
  • If a student has a score of 1,000% or greater or -1,000% or less, it is not included in the average course grade.
  • If no students in a course have a grade, the course is not included in the chart 
  • The score must have an active_score workflow state to be included in the chart. Deleted scores are not included.  

Courses where 60% of Students Have No Activity in Last 7 Days

This statistic displays the number of courses in which 60% or more of students have not viewed a page in or participated in the course in the last 7 days. 

  • The progress bar shows this number as a percentage of all Courses with Activity.

Feature Use in Courses with Activity

This chart indicates the number of published or concluded courses with activity in which a Canvas feature is used. 

  • To be considered in use, the feature must be published in the course.
    Assignments do not include Discussions, Classic Quizzes, or New Quizzes. Each of these features has its own category in the chart.
    The drill-down chart for each feature shows courses where that feature is published and how many times that feature is published in the course.
    The External Tools drill down shows the number of external tools launched in the course.
    The Syllabus drill-down shows the approximate syllabus word count.
    The count of discussions includes group discussions.

Content Feature Use in Courses with Activity Over Time

This chart shows a snapshot of Canvas feature use over time. This includes content features: files, modules, pages, and syllabus.  

  • Feature use trends in this chart are based off of page views. 

Activities Feature Use in Courses with Activity Over Time

Activities Feature Use in Courses with Activity Over Time
This chart shows Canvas feature use over time. This includes activities features: assignments, classic quizzes, outcomes, discussions, and grades. Feature use trends are based on page views. New Quizzes page views are not yet available in Admin Analytics.

Courses With Average Scores Below 70%

This table shows courses in which the average course score is below 70%, given the selected filters. The average score is calculated by converting students' current course scores to percentages and then averaging. 

  • Students with an enrollment status deleted or inactive are not included in average course grades. 
  • If a student has a score of 1,000% or greater or -1,000% or less, it is not included in the average course grade.
  • If no students in a course have a grade, the course is not included in the chart.
  • The score must have an active_score workflow state to be included in this chart. Deleted scores are not included.  

Courses With Low Student Activity

This table shows courses where 60% or more of students have not had a page view or participation in the last 7 days. This table is most relevant when filtered on a current term. 

Student Dashboard 

The Student Dashboard displays student engagement data including how students are performing across courses and what submissions look like overall. You can also see detailed information about students across their courses.

Students with a Current Course Score < 60%

Displays the number of students with a current course score below 60% in any course, given the filters selected. 

  • In the progress bar, you can see this number as a percentage of all enrolled students.
  • The score value used is current_score. 
  • Only students with an enrollment status of active or concluded are included. 

Average Grade for Enrolled Students

Displays the average current course scores for all students in all courses, given the filters selected. 

  • Only students with an enrollment status active or concluded are included. 
  • If a student has a score of 1,000% or greater (or -1,000% or less) we do not include it.
  • Scores must have a workflow state of “active_score” to be included in this chart. Deleted scores are not included in the chart.  

Students with No Activity in Last 30 Days

Displays the number of students who have not recorded a page view or a participation in any course in the last 30 days. 

  • The progress bar shows this number as a percentage of all enrolled students. 
  • Only students with an enrollment status active or concluded are included. 

Average Days Since Last Course Interaction

Displays the average days since the most recent page view or participation in a course. 

  • This stat is most relevant when filtered on a current term. 
  • Only students with an enrollment status active or concluded are included. 

Student Overall Averages

This chart shows the distribution of average grades across courses for enrolled students. The grade values used are current_score.

  • Enrollments where the student’s enrollment status is active or concluded are included in the overall average.
  • For courses where a student’s enrollment status is deleted or inactive, the student’s current score in that course is not included in their overall average.
  • Consider using filters to exclude grades from previous terms. 

Submissions Breakdown

This chart shows a breakdown of submissions status given selected filters. Submission data is available as far back as August 2019. 

Student Details

This table shows details for all students, given the filters selected. 500 rows will load in the user interface. You can download up to 5,000 rows of data by using the advanced export functionality.

  • The Courses Enrolled column displays all courses where the student’s enrollment status is active or concluded.
  • The Submissions on Time Compared to All column displays the number of submissions with an “on-time” status compared to all assignments due. 
  • The Average Score column displays current_score grade values and includes all enrolled courses with grades, given the filters selected. 
  • The Raw Score Difference column calculates the average raw score difference across all courses in the Courses Enrolled Column. The raw score difference for one course is the difference between the student’s current_score and the course average.
  • The Standardized Score Difference column displays standardized data to get a sense of how the student is performing in comparison to others. This calculation is the student’s average standardized score difference across all courses in the Courses Enrolled column. 
  • The Days Since Last Active column displays the number of days since the student last had a page view in any of the courses in the Courses Enrolled column. 
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