How do I add a Calendar To-Do List item or Event in the Student app on my Android device?

You can create a new calendar item in the Canvas Student app. Calendar items are for your own personal use. You can also edit or delete your created to-do list items and events.

The images in this lesson are for adding a new to-do item, unless otherwise noted.

The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

Open Calendar

Open Calendar

In the Dashboard, tap the Calendar icon.

Add Item

Add Item

Tap the Add icon.

Add To-Do Item or Event

Add To-Do Item or Event

To add a to-do item, tap the Add To-Do icon [1].

To add an event, tap the Add Event icon [2].

Add Title

Add Title

Enter a title for your to-do item or event.

Select Date and Time

Select Date and Time

By default, the current date is selected for your to-do item.

To select a different date, tap the Date field [1].

To select a different time, tap the Time field [2].

Update Date

Update Date

Select the date when you want the to-do item or event to display on your calendar. Then tap the OK link.

Update Time

Update Time

Select the time when you want the to-do item or event to display on your calendar. Then tap the OK link.

Select Calendar

Select Calendar

To-Do items and Events default to your personal calendar.

If you want to associate the To-Do item or Event with a different calendar, tap the Calendar link [1] and select the course or group [2].

Add Details

Add Details

In the Details field, enter the details for your to-do item or event.

Add Event Details

Add Event Details

If you are adding a new event, you can also add the frequency [1], location [2], and address [3].

Save Item

Save Item

Tap the Save link.

View Item

View Item

View your item in the Calendar.

Note: Currently To-Do items created in the app only display in the Calendar; items will display in the To-Do list in a future update.

Edit or Delete Item

Edit or Delete Item

To edit or delete the to-do item or event, click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Edit link [2] or Delete link [3].

Add Reminder

Add Reminder

To add a reminder, tap on the Add due date reminder notifications about this assignment on this device link.

Select Reminder Time

Choose your preferred Alert time.

Note: For Custom Reminders, you will be asked to input the specific date and time for your Alerts.

View Reminder

You can now view your reminder [1].

To delete your reminder, tap the Delete button [2].