[ARCHIVED] Ability to access ePortfolio after graduation?

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My department, a Masters program in mental health counseling, has an ePortfolio assignment that we are considering moving to Canvas's ePortfolio feature. The assignment we have is a project in students' final semester where they gather their cumulative experience and knowledge from their academic education as well as continuing education. Students have often used this as the beginning of their professional website after graduation.

In the past, we recommend students get a free website account, such as with Wix, and build their ePortfolio there. We believe that the Canvas ePortfolio should meet this need much better, with one possible exception. How can students take the ePortfolio with them after graduation? Our students lose access to their Canvas account within 1 semester of graduation. I know students can export their ePortfolio to a .ZIP file, but what is in that .ZIP file? How can that then be used? Is there a way to migrate an ePortfolio to a service outside of Canvas that the student could then manage indefinitely?

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