Canvas Studio embed options -- include details without comments

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When embedding a Canvas Studio video into a Canvas Module using the Add External Tool feature the embed option to enable or disable media tabs seems to be all or nothing. Is there a way to enable the Details tab without allowing the comments tab? I want users to be able to see the information in the Details field, but I don't want to enable comments.

Why is it if I have comments turned off on the video in Canvas Studio are users able to comment on the video when it is embedded into Canvas?  In the screenshot attached Comments has X -- which I take to be "off", but as a student I'm able to comment on the video when it is added to a course.

Thanks in advance! 



1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @KristinPaterson ...

@KristinPaterson wrote:

When embedding a Canvas Studio video into a Canvas Module using the Add External Tool feature the embed option to enable or disable media tabs seems to be all or nothing. Is there a way to enable the Details tab without allowing the comments tab? I want users to be able to see the information in the Details field, but I don't want to enable comments.

You're is pretty much all or nothing.  I'm not aware of any way to keep the "Details" tab enabled yet disable the "Comments" tab at the same time.  The "Details" and the "Comments" tabs are the two that are visible to students (from a student view perspective).  The "Insights" and "Captions" tabs are not visible to students.

Why is it if I have comments turned off on the video in Canvas Studio are users able to comment on the video when it is embedded into Canvas?  In the screenshot attached Comments has X -- which I take to be "off", but as a student I'm able to comment on the video when it is added to a course.

Although the comments below your embedded Studio video and the "Comments" toggle switch (within the "Settings" cog wheel icon on the bottom right corner of the video) are related, there is a key difference.  The "Comments" toggle switch turns the comments off that overlay on top of the video.  For example, if you were to add a comment to your embedded Studio video at 0:10 into the video and also have the "Comments" toggle switch turned on, then you would see a comment bubble appear on top of the video at the 10-second mark.  If you turn that toggle switch off, you wouldn't see the comments on top of the video.  The comments area below your Studio video are still visible, though.  The toggle switch is just another visual way for you and your students to see when people have commented on the video.

I hope this helps to explain how things work in Studio at this time.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this.

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