How do I rename a video in canvas studio?

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How do I rename a video in canvas studio that I recorded?

2 Solutions
Community Champion

Hello @SamanthaWatson1 

Try this:

  1.  In Studio, click the View link on the video you wish to rename
  2. Select the Details tab
  3. Select Edit Details
  4. Edit the text in the title field
  5. Press Save.



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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SamanthaWatson1 ...

@Jeff_F has given you some great instructions on how to edit the title of your video located in your Studio library!  Thanks Jeff!

I also thought I'd provide a link to you that includes some screenshots in case you'd like to see those as well.

How do I edit details and tags for Canvas Studio media?

I hope this extra bit of info will be helpful to you!  Let us know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

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