Re: Canvas Studio Quiz limit repeat attempts

Community Novice

This is really frustrating because, after the first attempt, students can see their answers and the correct answer. They could then go back, make a second attempt with the answers from the quiz in hand. And, as best I can tell, there is no way to automatically take the first quiz instead of the highest.

Until this is fixed, my work around will be to tell my students that their first quiz will count (I am even putting this in my syllabus) and I will manually go in and change their quiz grade to the first attempt if they take it more than once. (Thank you Kaitlin Seaman for the idea).

I am attaching a screenshot illustrating the problem. Notice that the bar up top (highlighted in yellow) notes that there is only one attempt allowed. However, after taking the first attempt, notice that the retake quiz button is there. That's the problem.