record a ppt presentation with multiple presenters

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can I record a ppt presentation with multiple presenters in canvas studio?

1 Solution
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Community Team

@CarieTwichell ...

I'm not sure that you can record a single PowerPoint presentation with multiple presenters using Canvas Studio.  What you could do, though, is to arrange to do this via a Zoom or Google Meet presentation.  All your presenters could meet together to record the presentation on Zoom, for example, showing the PowerPoint presentation as you record.  Then, you would upload the recording to Canvas Studio.  From there, you could embed that Studio library item to any Canvas course you wanted.  (Note, if your school's Canvas admin team has Zoom integrated with Canvas, there is a way that Zoom recordings can automagically be uploaded to Studio ... eliminating the need for you to do this on your own.)

Does this sound like a workable solution for you?

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