C4E: Anyone have thoughts on 6-12 users?

Canvas for Elementary beta testers, particularly fellow Canvas Admins, I'm curious on your thoughts moving into next year with the new UI. Since C4E was originally presented I haven't seen any features that are so elementary-specific that this could not be turned on for our middle and high school subaccounts. The additional information on the subject cards and the ease of navigation between Home and Schedule (essentially card view and list view in classic Canvas) are particularly useful for all grades. If a student doesn't have a course identified as Homeroom, that announcements space is collapsed and students just see the navigation tabs and their subject cards. We do provision school-wide courses for middle and high schools, so we could potentially add an additional school-wide course that would be used for school announcements and manage school-wide LTI integrations through that course to configure the links under the Resources tab. For parents with children across schools, I also like that they see a uniform navigation flow when their children are using Canvas.

My main holdback is the burden this would place on teachers to re-think how they organize their course content. Covid brought us a long way to using modules for content organization, but our middle and high school teachers were using Canvas widely before Covid, and Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions links were typically enabled and used to navigate the course. I worry about the frustration of losing direct access to those areas and forcing teacher to rethink and redesign the organization of their course after a particularly stressful year. 

Is anyone else considering enabling this for K12 next year? Am I overlooking something obvious that would make this a really bad idea?


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