Invitation to Participate: Open Education Resources in Canvas LMS



The Academic Strategy team is conducting a survey on OER, and your insights are invaluable in helping to define the value and importance of accessible and innovative learning materials. By taking part in this brief (5 - 10 minute) survey, you would contribute to developing a deeper awareness of the challenges with OER in Canvas LMS today and what is seen as most important for the long-term success of its adoption.

[This survey closed on August 15, 2024 ]

OER (1).pngYour participation in this survey will inform an upcoming white paper on the topic (opinions will be represented in aggregate only). While you will provide researchers in Instructure with crucial insights, participation also allows you to reflect on your experiences with OER. Additionally, your input can influence the development of strategies to maximize the benefits of open education resources for educators, students, and institutions alike. As a token of appreciation for your time and contribution, we will provide early access to the findings from the survey in the form of a research brief. 

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Open Educational Resources (OER): teaching, learning, and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license, such as a Creative Commons license, that permits their free use, sharing, and adaptation by others. These resources can include textbooks, lesson plans, quizzes, videos, and other educational materials. 

Example: An openly licensed textbook on biology that is freely available online for anyone to access, use, and modify according to their educational needs.

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Thank you so much to all of you who have participated in our survey so far! Your insights and perspectives are incredibly valuable to our research.

If you know anyone else who might be interested in sharing their thoughts, please feel free to share this post with them. The survey will be open for a short while longer, and we would love to hear from as many voices as possible.

Thank you again for your support!

Community Explorer

It's instructive to participate in an Ai survey opportunity. Thank you.

Community Member

I never use Ai so I will try it.