We Love Canvas, and We Know You Do Too

Community Team
Community Team

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“How do we love thee, let us count the ways”... Never mind, that would take us 601,770 minutes, or 10k hours, at a minimum [that’s allocating one minute for every Community member]! Let’s do a little contest instead!


With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we want to demonstrate our love and affection for the fabulous Community by providing an opportunity to win 1 of 10 Amazon gift cards. How can you win one of these awesome gift cards, you may ask? By counting the ways you love Canvas, of course!


Here’s how to write your “Dear Canvas” love letter:

  1. Log into community.canvaslms.com
  2. Write a love letter about the Canvas features you can’t live without. We would LOVE to hear any specific examples of how Canvas has helped you be better at your job (as a teacher, student, administrator, etc.). Have fun with it!
  3. Share the love letter and/or one of these cool graphics on Twitter using the hashtag #CanvasLMSLove by 11:59 PM MST on Friday night (Feb 15, 2020) for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card (10 total are up for grabs).


So, from all of us at Instructure, Happy Valentine’s Day--and thanks for being the best Community ever.



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Canvas Love