[Android only] need a method for exiting the built-in browser. It may become stuck in a state where a user cannot exit it

Community Novice

On the Android app (but seemingly not the iOS version), following a URL from a course page, assignment, etc, will open in a built-in browser view. The problem happens if you follow more links, as the only way to exit this view is to hit the back arrow until you return to the source page, then back one more time. However, this may become impossible; for example, my school uses an authentication that uses multiple redirection links to access library resources, etc. If you hit back there, it gets stuck in stale content warning / forwarding loop, and it is impossible to get back to the previous page. There is no X to exit this view, and holding down the back arrow does nothing. At this point, the app must be force closed. 


Attached is a short video that's edited to remove as much PII as possible, but I believe illustrates where pushing the back button just gets you stuck in a loop.