Instructure Recipe Update

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Mise en place is a French culinary phrase that means to “put in place” or “gather together.” Mise en place allows a baker to smoothly move through a recipe. At Instructure, we are always looking for ways to enhance our product offerings to give our customers the best possible user experience. Exciting things are happening in our Instructure “kitchen” as we add Concentric Sky and their product, Badgr, to our product ingredient lineup. 

Badgr, a micro-credentialing tool, has officially joined the Canvas LMS ranks as Instructure acquires Concentric Sky. Badgr will be rebranded as “Canvas Badges'' as it joins the Instructure Learning Platform. At an additional cost, customers can upgrade to Badgr Pro’s suite of tools in the new “Canvas Credentials.” 

Canvas Badges is free to Canvas LMS customers and is already integrated directly into Canvas LMS. Canvas Badges allows educational organizations of all shapes and sizes to award badges, verify and track achievements, and provide stackable learning pathways and shareable learner records.

Canvas Credentials allows badge program administrators to advance their badging system using a set of enhanced tools. These offerings include unlimited badging, leaderboards, analytics, and personalized pathway progress visualizations. 

Sugar. Butter. Flour. All ingredients essential to making a perfect cake. But, the best kinds of cakes are the ones that took the extra steps to elevate the tried and true recipe by adding new, and exciting ingredients. By adding Canvas Badges and Canvas Credentials to our ingredient lineup, Instructure is showcasing its commitment to empowering our users to navigate their personalized learning journeys. We know our users are accomplishing AMAZING things and we hope Canvas Badges will help enable them to carry the proof of their academic achievements and skills development throughout their life. 

Let’s get baking! 🍰

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Community Champion

This is exciting news, @djackson!  Thank you Instructure!

Will the free version of Canvas Badges be the same as what Badgr currently offers, unlimited badges and badge storage?


Community Team
Community Team

Hi, @Nancy_Webb_CCSF,

All functionality will remain the same–just with a new name, Canvas Badges!


Community Explorer

When will it be available?

Community Participant

I just got a support item assigned to me that an instructor is now having issues with our previously installed Badgr (installed in 2019) that the new updated Terms of Service made the tool no longer work.  I have not looked into this yet but since I just learned of the news about Instructure acquiring Concentric Sky Badgr and is now rebranded as Canvas Badges then are there new LTI tool instructions I may need to reinstall this badging tool in our Canvas system?  I prefer to install in our root level (we have Sub-Accounts for our multi-colleges) with the Course Navigation having default=disabled since not all instructors use badging.  Currently I have Badgr installed separately in our two main Sub-Accounts.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @ward_michael  -  Instructure hasn't quite taken on Badgr support yet. However, since it sounds like an LTI + Canvas troubleshooting question, you could try to work with Canvas Support to see if they can help you identify your next steps. If there's an issue with the Terms of Service, I believe you can still reach out to Badgr Support.

Community Participant

@KristinL  Thank you, I just tested Badgr and it looks like I get a 500 server error from Badgr so I will work with Badgr Support.

Once Instructure takes over Badgr and provides the rebranded installation then I can reinstall the tool into our Canvas system.  Thank you for the update on the current status of Canvas Badges!

Community Champion

@ward_michael we had to reinstall the Badgr LTI at account level and it worked very well.  Only problem was it removed the Badgr link in everyone's course nav menus.  Once those were re-added, all the badges were still there.  

Community Participant

After contacting the Badgr Support Team they were able to make some individual user updates to fix my issue and the one I had with an instructor.  I had also discovered that in Canvas the instructor had an old previous email address still "starred/favorited" so I deleted in her profile and the correct email became the primary email.  Not sure if I fixed or if Badgr Support Team that fixed my user issue also fixed the instructor issue too.  But good to know in the future if other users encounter similar issues then just contact Badgr Support Team (at least until Instructure takes over fully).

Here is their last email...

"Hello Michael​,

How we resolved this issue was refreshing the auth user token on our back-end. We refreshed it for your email address and for the email address for Kathy that's in this email thread. It's not a global fix for your account. If any other instructors are having issues, please reach out with their email address so we can fix their accounts.
Best wishes,
The Badgr Support Team"