Outcomes and Mastery Learning Seems Very Buggy

Community Contributor

I have set up 10 outcomes at the SubAccount level.

The outcomes are set as Below Mastery(1), Near Mastery(2), and Mastery(3).

For each outcome I set Mastery as 2.75 because I'm using the Decaying Average and the outcome is being measured over the course of 18 assignments in two different courses. (9 in each course).

I have added those outcomes to a Rubric.

I have provided ratings for all 18 assignments for a test student.

The expectation I have is that I should see the students progress toward mastery represented in the Mastery Learning Gradebook (Green for Mastery, Yellow for Near Mastery, Orange for Below Mastery).

None Outcomes have been rated to Mastery even though the test students have achieved over 2.75.

Any idea why mastery is not appearing? It would be really helpful if it did.

Outcomes-Mastery- Bug.png


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