Instructure Live Events and Webinars

More thoughtful, inclusive class discussions (for free!) with Kialo on Canvas

New York: Drive Improvement on the NYSTP and Regents with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Illinois: Drive Improvement on the IAR with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Canvas Klatch - March 11

Georgia: Drive Improvement on the Georgia Milestones with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Wisconsin: Drive Improvement on the Wisconsin Forward Exam with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

APAC - Instructure New and Next: Product Updates

Beyond Detection: Addressing Plagiarism at Its Source with Instructional AI

Canvas Klatch - March 6

Canvas Klatch - February 28

Enhancing Student Engagement with Canvas and Poll Everywhere: A Panel Discussion Featuring Distinguished Educators from Top Universities

Canvas Klatch - February 19

Instructure Community Developers Group - February Meetup

Canvas Klatch - February 13

Texas CanvasConnect at the University of Houston - Downtown

Canvas Klatch - February 5