Below are the Canvas standard support phone numbers. If you have Tier 1 Support, your Canvas Support phone number can be found in the help menu within your Canvas instance.
Australia - (+61) 1800 292 308 Brunei Darussalam - 801-4031 China - 400 120 0382 Hong Kong - (+852) 5808 5001 India - 910008009190630 Indonesia - 007-803-321-8402 Japan - (+81) 120 975 229 Korea - (+82) 308 640 124 Malaysia - (+60) 154 8 770 100 New Zealand - (+64) 800 569 043 Philippines - (+63) 1800 1 116 1201
This page provides a link to register for our upcoming global webinars and also provides access to previously recorded global webinars. Each webinar page will provide the slide deck, electronic handouts, links, and other materials used during the discussion. We encourage you to post questions, comments, or other suggestions you might have and join in the global conversation