Canvas Data 2 Gradebook activity

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I'm working on a Canvas Data 2 query I'd like assistance with. The goal is to identify courses where the Canvas Gradebook is not being used. Scenarios I can envision are courses that do not have assignments with gradebook entries or assignments are past their due date with no grade.

Checking the Canvas Data 2 schema, there does not seem to be a table for the gradebook directly. What tables, other than assignment_submissions, quiz_submissions and discussion_entries  could be useful to query to check for gradebook activity?


Will Hampton


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @WillGHampton - 

I see a few ways to identify courses where the Canvas Gradebook is not being used. The first that comes to mind is to list all assignments and include the assignment group they belong to. Look to see if the assignment group or assignment is set to 0 and what the submission type is.  Look for those submission types that do not call for something to be uploaded to or done in Canvas (i.e., not graded, none). Also look for courses that do not have any graded assignments.

Another method could be to use the Submissions table.  Explore the values to include/ exclude.  For example, a few days after after the due date you could exclude deleted and graded, etc. leaving only unsubmitted and perhaps 'null' as well.  



tables and relationships.png



Tableau assignments submissions.png

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