DAP Client 1.0.0 change in processing???

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After upgrading to the 1.0.0 DAP client yesterday, I'm now getting a very specific error:

ERROR - [Errno 28] No space left on device

It appears that the DAP client is now loading up my /tmp location (which is very limited) for holding and assembly of the various file parts prior to assembly and shipment to Postgres. If I'm wrong about this, please let me know, but it's certainly unexpected.

I can increase this location, but it would be nice to add this as an option in the DAP client so I don't have to modify multiple systems to allow for it. Right now I"m just looking for a "yea" or "nay" on this as to whether it's "by design".

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1 Solution
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Confirmed. Following a FULL database refresh (complete removal of the DB along with a full "initdb" using DAP), along with "fixing" the data in Canvas (adding a name to an object that was created w/o one), has allowed this process to continue. However, it should still be that DAP logs these errors, and proceeds, rather than simply dumping out on anything that does not fit exactly as defined. Again, it's up to Instructure to modify Canvas to NOT allow blank (null) names on course sections.

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