Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-11-18)
Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features, but they do not affect customer workflows. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Intended changes in workflow are noted in the Canvas Release Notes published monthly.
Deploy notes may include notable fixed bugs, resolved fixes in Known Issues, and other updates that do not affect user functionality.
- Interface Updates
- Assignments
- SCORM Pages Import
- Courses
- MathJax Equation Enhancements [DELAYED]
- New Rich Content Editor
- Sidebar Functionality Improvements and Search Field
- Uploaded Files Folder and Hidden Status
- Platform/Integration
- External Apps
- LTI 1.3
- Other Updates
- InstUI Update
- Student View Edit Group Window
- Fixed Bugs
- Accessibility
- Assignments
- Files
- Account Settings
- Canvas Elementary Theming Feature Option
- Calendar
- Event Duplication Checkbox
- Reports
- User Course Access Log Error Email
- Source Code Summary
Interface Updates |
SCORM Pages Import
This feature is not supported in the beta environment.
SCORM packages can be imported as pages.
Change Benefit
This change allows users to import content as a page and not just an assignment.
Affected User Roles
When the SCORM LTI is installed for a course, SCORM packages can be uploaded into Canvas. As part of the import process, the type of import must be selected from the menu. The Import as Page option allows the package to be imported as a page.
MathJax Equation Enhancements [DELAYED]
This feature is delayed until the 2021-01-16 Canvas ReleaseSummary
MathJax is loaded if Canvas detects an equation image added by the equation editor.
Change Benefit
This change improves accessibility for equations in more areas of Canvas.
Affected User Roles
All Users
LaTeX equations are typeset or processed by MathJax. Equations can be added through the Equation editor as supported in the Rich Content Editor.
Equation errors display in the editor as a broken image with the alternative text for the image. However, the LaTeX can still be inserted into the editor content.
Clicking a LaTeX equation displays the Edit Equation button, which loads the LaTeX back into the equation editor.
Related Community Idea: Make Math Equation Editor Accessible
New Rich Content Editor
Sidebar Functionality Improvements and Search Field
When the sidebar is displayed in a Canvas page, the Rich Content Editor window is resized so all content is visible. Additionally, the Images, Documents, and Media Content sidebars include a search field.
Change Benefit
This change allows users to view all content being added to the editor window and more easily search for user, course, or group files.
Affected User Roles
All Users
The New Rich Content Editor sidebar opens from the Links, Images, Documents, and Media content menus. The editor window is resized when the sidebar is open, which allows the user to always view content in the window. Previously, the sidebar always opened over the top of existing content.
Additionally, adding a link does not immediately close the sidebar. Multiple links and user files (as well as group or course files, when applicable) can be added to the editor without having to continually open the sidebar.
Note: Resizing the browser when the sidebar is open will retain the sidebar over the content. The window will only resize if the sidebar is closed and reopened.
When the Images, Documents, or Media content folders are opened, the sidebar includes a search field. At least three characters are required to generate search results.
Uploaded Files Folder and Hidden Status
Files uploaded to an assignment default to a hidden status. These files are added to the Files page in the Uploaded Media folder.
Change Benefit
This change ensures all file assets for assignments are not visible to students unless they have a link per the assignment. Additionally, notifications are not sent to students regarding hidden files.
Affected User Roles
When a file is uploaded to an assignment, quiz, or discussion, the file is added to the Uploaded Media folder in Files. The file within the Uploaded Media folder defaults to the hidden status.
Once the assignment, quiz, or discussion is published, students only receive a notification about the assignment, quiz, or discussion being published, not any associated files.
Additionally, students have access to the file via the assignment, quiz, or discussion. As the file is already set to a hidden status, it does not need to be published separately for it to be visible to students.
Note: No change has been made to files uploaded directly in the Files page. Files that are uploaded in the Files page are uploaded to the folder where they are uploaded.
Platform/Integration |
External Apps
LTI 1.3
Canvas supports integrated tools using LTI v1.0 or LTI v1.1 moving to use the latest LTI v1.3 IMS standards in production. Engineering teams are currently testing tools with integration partners.
Change Benefit
This change ensures LTI tools can support the latest IMS standards.
Affected User Roles
Canvas partners can use a Canvas sandbox account to test migrations. When a 1.0 or 1.1 tool co-exists with a 1.3 tool configuration—as Canvas does the tool lookup by the launch url—Canvas will look for matching tool configurations by domain and prefer the 1.3 tool configuration for LTI launches. Where a new 1.3 configuration is discovered for existing links in Canvas, Canvas will create the associated Names and Roles Provisioning and Assignment and Grades Service URLs plus associated records on the fly during the first launch. Canvas will also create these records when tools use the Assignments and Grades Service to query the gradebook.
Partners should submit issues and questions as support cases via their Canvas sandbox account.
Admins can test supported LTI 1.3 tools without removing existing LTI 1.0/1.1 configurations. If an LTI tool is not functioning correctly, removing the LTI 1.3 deployment will revert Canvas to using the previous configuration. Once the 1.3 tool configuration is confirmed as working, the old LTI 1.0/1.1 configuration can be removed.
Other Updates |
InstUI Update
Student View Edit Group Window
The Edit Group window for students has been updated to use the icon style used in InstUI. No functionality has been affected.
Fixed Bugs |
After a MasteryConnect assessment is linked to an assignment, an alert is read by screen readers indicating assignment details have been updated.
MasteryConnect assignment headers displayed sequentially as H2 and H3 instead of H3 and H4.
Download links include a download attribute.
Account Settings
Canvas Elementary Theming Feature Option
The state of the Canvas Elementary Theming feature option is retained when enabled as allowed or on.
Explanation: When the Canvas Elementary Theming feature option was allowed or turned on for an account or course, the feature option state was not retained. Canvas code has been updated to retain the state of the feature option.
Event Duplication Checkbox
The Duplicate Calendar Event checkbox is not displayed when editing a calendar event.
Explanation: When a calendar event was edited and the More Options link was selected, the Duplicate checkbox displayed in the calendar event. Canvas code has been updated to not display the Duplicate checkbox for edited calendar events. The checkbox is only displayed when initially creating calendar events.
User Course Access Log Error Email
This change was deployed to the production environment on 11 November.
User Course Access Log error emails are only sent for reports that are not completed successfully.
Explanation: When a User Course Access Log report was generated, a Report Generation Failed email was sent, even if the report completed successfully. Canvas code has been updated to not send an error email if the report completes successfully.
Source Code Summary |
To view a summary of all code included in the deploy, please see the Deploy Source Code Summary (2020-11-18) reference sheet.
Date | |
2020-11-19 |
Delayed Courses: MathJax Text Field Support |
2020-11-13 |
Added Interface Updates: Assignments |
2020-11-11 |
Added Platform/Interface: External Apps Added Fixed Bugs: Reports |
2020-11-06 | Published Deploy Notes |
Change Log
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