.imscc Upload from Canvas to It's Learning

Community Contributor

Not sure if this is the best group for this question but never the less...

I work in Canvas (obviously) and I recently sent a copy of a course to an institution who uses it's learning to do a common cartridge upload. The institution is now saying that "the data load has not started because the file does not contain any metadata such as learning objectives or keywords".

Then I was sent this:

Vendor: *******

File: \\US2300\ImportFiles\ContentVendors\*****\****-master-course-export.imscc

  • ITSLUS.ItsLearning.Import.ImportCourse:1
  • ITSLUS.ItsLearning.Import.ImportFolder:17
  • ITSLUS.ItsLearning.Import.ImportPage:851
  • ITSLUS.ItsLearning.Import.ImportAssessment:28
  • Objects with Learning Objectives:0
  • Total Learning Objectives:0
  • Objects with Keywords:0

Can anyone tell me what exactly the problem might be? I've never seen anything in Canvas during a course export that allowed me to add Learning Objectives or Keywords. Furthermore, why would this stop a common cartridge upload?