Open registration

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Community Novice

Hey there!

My name is Barnabás and I am seeking help with editing a course to be accessible without registration on the platform. I have a free user account, and as the course would also target young people it would be ideal not to have a registration. 

I don't find a way how enable this feature. If anyone could help me out, that would be great. 

Cheers, b

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @BarnabasGulyas !

If you're talking about making a course available to the public without requiring them to have a canvas account, you're able to make your course public. However, if you are using the Free-For Teacher edition, this feature is not available. If you are using the K12 free for teacher edition however, this feature is available. If you're confused about how to identify which version you have, you can check out the URL at the top of your page. Or, you can check out the global navigation bar on the left side of your screen. Canvas.instructure will have the navy blue navigation bar, and k12.instructure would have the red one.

IF you are using the k12 version, you can do this by going into your course settings > course details > scroll down to Visibility and change the visibility from course to public.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions! If you are currently running canvas.instructure version and still want it to be public, feel free to send me a private DM message via canvas community here! I'll be willing to assist you with that, there's a couple tricks you can do.


All the best,

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Have you tried signing up with this URL? : ?

You can only access K12 edition if you select K12 during sign up, so try using the URL instead of the main page.

Something you can do is share your course to commons. Commons is an object repository that allows educators from around the world to share resources with each other. So, on your edition, go into your course settings, then on the right select share to commons. Keep in mind that with the canvas.instructure edition, you can only share resources with the public, not just yourself. So if you do not want other people to see this course, I recommend sharing it when you're ready to copy it.

Once you have successfully shared your course to commons, open your k12 canvas account, open commons and import that course you shared into a k12 course (the course must be already created prior!). Once you select import the import process will begin, and your course will appear! From there, if you still don't want the course available on commons, you can return to your canvas.instructure account and remove the resource from commons.

Let me know if this helps you out, and as always, respond with any questions!!



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