Quiz Audit Log issue

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I am the Admin for our small school, I followed the Official Guide for more info and found the Audit Log giving information on all students in one science course, but when I checked all the other courses, there is No Log info. It is Blank.

It states: "There were no events logged during the quiz-taking session." 

Shouldn't the action of logging in, taking each question item, and moving through the test be logged? Also, I checked my All-school settings and each course setting. All of them have Quiz Audit Log enabled.


3 Solutions
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Community Coach

Hi, @kayser !
Thanks for posting on the Instructure Community.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your quiz logs. You are in fact correct, the action of beginning the quiz and answering questions up until submission should be logged and viewable under quiz logs.

However, there are a couple reasons why quiz logs would be unavailable. The most likely one being that the quiz was taken by students prior to the setting not only being enabled under the admin panel, but under each individual course. Even if you toggle this setting on after the quizzes are taken prior to it being on, you still will not have access to view the quiz logs for the quizzes students took prior to that being enabled, as this setting must be enabled for the quiz events to be logged. I feel this would be the case as you have logs for one course but not necessarily for other ones. Were the quizzes in those courses taken prior to, or after you enabled this quiz log setting?

Hope this helps in some way, please feel welcome to reach out with any more questions! We're happy to help you.



[EDIT] @kayser I just noticed that you tagged me with the same question in a different discussion a couple days ago. Feel free to look back at this discussion for more assistance, as I did also respond to your matter directly there as well! 🙂


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Thanks for responding, this reply probably answered my question. I'm going to teach the staff how to make sure Quic Log is active. I have turned it on for the whole school which from all that I am gathering should turn it on for everyone.


Sorry, in the past I have not always gotten an answer until I've flooded the gates, so to speak, so getting a quick answer has been a pleasant surprise.

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I apologize, @kayser , that you haven’t gotten answers in a reasonable time frame.

Im glad to have helped you, if you need any more assistance feel free to reach out!

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