Student Experience with Free-For-Teacher

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What is the student experience like with teachers using the FFT Canvas? Will all of their courses show up on one dashboard, just like with an institutional LMS? Will they only need one login? Any other comments or concerns?

Thanks for any feedback!



2 Solutions
Community Participant
It's based on email. If they use the same email for your class as they do others, then their dashboard will show all of the classes they have when they are logged into that email (If they have card view turned on and not class stream).

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Just a quick note they don't "join your account." Their account is their own as they also use the free instance of Canvas, but as a student, and accept the invitation to join your class. Free for teachers version of Canvas has no administrative tools for you to help them manage their account settings.

So, if they want all of the classes they take from instructors who use the FFT version, they should be consistent with the email they give the instructors for each class.

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