
Community Participant
May 4, 2016 10:42:50 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I have the free for teachers version and add students and parents as observers all the time.  Simply go to People, in the right-hand corner is a blue button with People+.Click on that blue button ...
Likes: 3
Two steps I always take each year: 1.  If students have issues and they ahve a google email through the school, I have them click the G under the login so they never have to worry about this issue. 2....
Likes: 2
I use Canvas and our school uses PowerSchool.  I maintain the "trending" data in Canvas and only have final scores in Powerschool for the standards.  I spent time determining what the "off...
Likes: 1
I received a message saying there was some type of speedgrader update that was rolled out and then rolled back since it caused issues.  Everything is good now.  So not real sure what that rollout was.
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I was in the process of scoring essays when the rubric stoped working.  I decided to close out of the page and then try again.  When I tried to log back into the page I received an error message.  I t...
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Most Recent Posts

It just seems odd that I could embed Crash Course #1 Medieval Europe and Crash Course #3 Northern Renaissance, but I could not embed Crash Course #2 Florence and the Renaissance.
Aug 23, 2024 07:35 AM
When embedding the Crash Course videos for my students I am able to embed some of them through the YouTube link in Canvas, but not all the Crash Course videos show up as an option to embed.  For insta...
Aug 22, 2024 06:24 AM
I received a message saying there was some type of speedgrader update that was rolled out and then rolled back since it caused issues.  Everything is good now.  So not real sure what that rollout was.
May 07, 2024 10:55 AM
I was in the process of scoring essays when the rubric stoped working.  I decided to close out of the page and then try again.  When I tried to log back into the page I received an error message.  I t...
May 07, 2024 10:18 AM
Google recently made some changes.  This is the response I received from Canvas. Thank you for reaching out to Canvas Global Support! My name is Johnny and I'm here to help you with your case. I u...
Nov 03, 2023 06:49 AM

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