Dear Danielle- Building Mastery Paths


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I am frequently asked how to elevate and differentiate course design in Canvas and if Mastery Paths can be a viable option. The answer is a resounding, yes! In this month's Dear Danielle video, I take a look at how to build Mastery Paths within a course. In future Dear Danielle videos, I will showcase how students navigate through a Mastery Path along with how to track student data within a Mastery Path. I hope this video provides you with the confidence to further your Canvas course design and provide your students with a diversified learning experience. 

Just as a reminder: these videos are aimed at helping you and your instructors with tips and tricks on all things Canvas! I get inspiration for these videos from your form submissions, so if you have not done so already, please make sure to fill out the form to indicate what you want to hear about next! You can fill out this form as many times as you would like and can pass it along to your instructors as well.

See you next time!

