Dear Danielle- New Quizzes Question Types


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One of the most common questions I get is “how do I use these new question types within New Quizzes?”, and now, you have the answer in the latest Dear Danielle video! In this video, I take a look at how to build out the new question types and common use cases. 

New Quizzes Question TypeNew Quizzes Question Type

Just as a reminder: these videos are aimed at helping you and your instructors with tips and tricks on all things Canvas! I get inspiration for these videos from your form submissions, so if you have not done so already, please make sure to fill out the form to indicate what you want to hear about next! You can fill out this form as many times as you would like and can pass it along to your instructors as well. 

Until next time! 


Community Explorer

Hi Danielle,

I filled out a form with my question, but the form itself says 2023, so I am not sure you still address the questions to the form.

My question is in regard to the accessibility of the new questions. You mentioned in your video that the Hot Spot question is not accessible, but I am also concerned about the Categorization and the Ordering questions. These two require drag and drop with a mouse, so what if a student cannot use a mouse?

Thank you, Wanda


Hey @wbutterly! We, unfortunately, closed out the form for this year. We hope to bring it back in the future!

Regarding your question, Hot Spot is still the only question non-accessible due to the nature of the question. I would recommend testing out those other questions out on the screen reader and if you are finding they are un-accessible, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or have you LMS Admin do that on your behalf. Additionally, be sure to check out our New Quizzes Hub for all things New Quizzes. Have a great day!