Paper Pumpkin: Online Video Presentations

Community Champion

As a student, I gave many presentations in class. I hated standing in the front of the class. I hated the unrevisable nature of a live presentation. Sure, I understand that live presentations have their place, but online presentations also have their place, and Canvas makes online presentations easy for both faculty and students.

The built in media tool is great. It can be used to record video presentations by both faculty and students. It is so easy that I have found myself offering more video messages in discussions, conversations, and announcements. These quick and easy videos help me feel a greater sense of presence, connection, and communication with my students. Besides, if I mess up, I can revise.

My students report the same experience I have: ease of use and better feelings of connection.

For more formal presentations, Canvas does a great job of integrating with web services. I like to create slides with Haiku Deck and use Screencast-O-Matic ​to record the slides, audio, and webcam for a polished lecture type of video. The whole thing ends up as a YouTube video that embeds nicely on any page, discussion, or announcement in Canvas by simply pasting in the url. While my students find these more involved presentations, most of them report enjoying the process.

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Community Contributor

You are a life saver! I was CONVINCED there was something like ScreenCast-o-matic out there but I hadn't been able to find it. What a great resource, thanks!

Community Champion

Glad I could be of help,  @ephraimross1 ​! You might also check out Office Mix​ if you have PowerPoint. Office Mix is free and conveniently integrates into Canvas via LTI: Setting up Office Mix with Instructure Canvas​.   It does videos, and quiz questions that can write to the Canvas grade book, which is awesome for making interactive lessons.

Community Contributor

Awesome, another great resource - thanks Dallas!

Community Champion

You might take a look at Stupeflix.  It is not screen capture like Screencast-O-Matic, but you can create mp4 videos using still images, videos, audio narration, text 2 speech and add an audio soundtrack.  Low learning curve.  Creates low or hi-res mp4, or use embed code to put into a Canvas or WordPress page.  *I created a Stupeflix video, and then imported it into SOM to take out some of the "dead air" spaces.

I notified our faculty about Stupeflix and within a few minutes one of them replied that she had added some of her images to a Stupeflix presentation.  Almost "instant gratification". 

Community Champion

Thanks for the tip, Bill! I am going to check that out.