Excited First Timer! But didn't realize I should've saved seats!

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I'm a fairly new Canvas support analyst/admin and am looking forward to meeting other Canvas Admins and learning some new things! However, I didn't realize that not only should I have favorited sessions, BUT should've saved a seat. What is the etiquette for 'crashing a session'? 

  1. NEVER - don't even try to enter without a saved seat
  2. CHECK AT THE DOOR - if there is room we'll let you in
  3. COME ON IN! - We've got plenty of standing room as long as the Fire Marshall limit isn't exceeded
1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @ldavenport4015 -

You'll love Instructurecon! You'll learn so much and meet great people.

I checked in with our Events Team, and they shared the following:

  • We’ve had such an overwhelming demand for all the great content being presented.
  • We apologize that there are sessions already selling out!
  • We will be capturing the content being presented and sharing it post-event.
  • We’ll also have stand-by lines - seats that are not filled five minutes before the scheduled session start time will be released to those in our stand-by lines on a first-come, first-served basis.

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