Ability to mark quiz answers as correct instead of typing in point value


When grading essay questions in Quizzes, it would be nice to be able to have the option to be able to click "correct" or "incorrect" along with the option of typing in points (for partial credit)

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


You'll be happy to know that this functionality is already available to users of New Quizzes. Please refer to the Grade Item section of How do I grade an assessment in New Quizzes? - Canvas Community to see how it works in the new quiz tool.

Our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled to be deprecated next year. In light of that as well as the existing functionality in New Quizzes, we've archived the idea.

The resources in the New Quizzes User Group will get you started using the new tool; if you aren't able to enable it in the Settings area of a course, please reach out to your local Canvas admin for guidance on its availability at your school.


Community Explorer

Thank you - I did not realize New Quizzes had that functionality.  I am waiting for New Quizzes to become more user friendly before I make the switch.