Add Search Bars within the images and pages tabs, Make Canvas JPG & PNG friendly


Add search bars within the images and pages tabs

When I am creating a new page, it would be easier to have a search bar where I would be able to type the name of the file/image name or page name without all the endless scrolling and loading more routine.

  • A search bar for images, where I could click, start to type the file name and it pops up. Similar to what our PC’s and google docs do. We know what we named it, so we type it and boom it appears. This would be so much more efficient than scrolling and scrolling, clicking load more, and scrolling some more and repeating the process.


  • A search bar for page names, where I could click, start to type the page name and it pops up. Similar to what our PC’s and google docs do. We know what we named it, so we type it and boom it appears. This would be so much more efficient than scrolling and scrolling, and scrolling some more.
    • Searching by creation day has made navigating pages easier on the actual pages page, but I’m thinking of when you want to link a particular page into another canvas page. It would be so much easier to type the name and boom it appears than all this scrolling.


  • Getting the kinks out with their issues of PNG files vs JPG. Their format needs to work for both kinds of files. Teachers waste too much time looking for jpegs. Chrome does work to an extent for those PNGs but honestly, let’s make it so it doesn’t matter. Make life a little easier.
1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Thanks for sharing all these ideas. We've archived the conversation because it contains multiple requests, some of which are the subject of existing conversations. Please add your support to one or more of these:

Search feature in the Add images area - Canvas Community

Easy search for course links - Canvas Community

New Rich Content Editor: Search Function Needed in... - Canvas Community

Please read through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community? for guidance on writing ideas with singularly-focused prompts. After you've had a chance to review that resource, please feel free to write up the last bullet point as a new submission—and it would probably be helpful to members evaluating that idea if you could add clarification of "Getting the kinks out with their issues of PNG files vs JPG."

Thanks again!