[Assignments] Download Assignment Comments and Completed Rubrics

It would be nice to have an option to download everything related to a completed, graded assignment in one PDF: the annotated PDF of the submission, the "assignment comments" discussion, and the completed rubric with values.


Currently, within crocodo, we can "Download annotated PDF (includes comments)" and that's really helpful, but we have no way of downloading a record of the Assignment Comments and we have no way to download the rubric. (We've resorted to taking individual screen shots.)


This is important for accreditation - we need an archive of everything related to an assignment. Students need this for their e-portfolios, too.


This is related to a request in the old pre-2015 Zendesk request:

https://help.instructure.com/entries/22865834-Download-Speedgrader-Comments-with-Assignments which requested just that Assignment Comments be included. I would like to add Rubrics, too.


This idea was considered when developing our product plan for Q4 2019 and is not expected to influence development within Canvas at this time.

:smileyinfo: This idea will remain open for vote.

:smileyinfo: If this idea is in the top 10% by vote next cycle it will be reconsidered.


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Community Contributor

We too have resorted to screen shots.  I have seen this be an issue especially in grievance situations - or rather situations where you are trying to prevent a grievance.  If you can provide a hard copy of everything documented you are more able to make issues a matter of fact rather than recall or interpretation.  Also, faculty need to download everything for examples in their teaching portfolios!  This is definitely a need.  I don't however, seem to be able to vote anywhere as yet.

Community Contributor

Ah - you can only start voting after the first Tuesday of the month!  So it will be awhile before you can vote. I will subscribe to this post to help remember to vote.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Correct  @Cindy_Masek ​. We have just promoted Matthew's idea so that it will be open for voting May 5th - August 5th.

Community Contributor

Plus, thanks to this video I found on another discussion: View and Print Comments through Crocodoc (Oct14) - YouTube  I see how to at least download the paper with annotations.  Also from the individual student's grade view (vs in Crocodoc) I see there are much better screenshots to be captured.  This information at least improves the complex screenshots we were taking in Crocodoc.  I'd still prefer a cleaner single download but this is better.

Community Contributor

For us, it would actually be much better if the data were provided as a spreadsheet. That way faculty can more easily crunch their number in any way they want. PDF is fine, and I'm sure some folks would prefer it, but PLEASE, make a .csv available as well.

I've got a php script that gets rubric scores from an assignment (using the API) and pushes them into a csv. Problem is, I don't have a good enough way to provide it as a self-help tool. I could make it an LTI menu item, but I don't know of a way to reveal menu items only to instructors, and besides, that's just not where it belongs. Ideally, it would be built into the existing assignments UI, perhaps as a link that sits below the Download Submissions link. The script is super easy. Just one API call and some reformatting. I'm sure this is low hanging fruit for the Canvas engineers. In the meantime, folks are only getting their data by contacting me.

Community Novice

Anybody who uses a rubric for research purposes would like to analyze student performance on the various rubric criteria.   Doing this would be enormously easier if one could download the class rubric data into a csv file which could then be analyzed using Excel.

Community Champion

I agree with  @BKINNEY ​ and  @carol_kominski ​.  Being able to download the csv of the rubric scores would be very helpful along with all comments.

Community Champion

I agree!  I receive many requests to print/download the completed and blank rubric from Canvas!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello everyone,

I agree for a need to incorporate more functionality into rubrics and the availability of rubrics data.  My colleague (Deactivated user) and I are starting to research how we can better accomplish all of these things.  We will look into improved handling of rubrics, improved assignment evaluation for the purposes of assessment, and many other enhancements for rubrics outcomes and gradable content in general. (Think big.) There is a lot for us to consider, and this is something we are looking toward doing.  Keep the ideas coming... there is a lot we want to do.

Kind regards,


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