[Assignments] Download Assignment Comments and Completed Rubrics

It would be nice to have an option to download everything related to a completed, graded assignment in one PDF: the annotated PDF of the submission, the "assignment comments" discussion, and the completed rubric with values.


Currently, within crocodo, we can "Download annotated PDF (includes comments)" and that's really helpful, but we have no way of downloading a record of the Assignment Comments and we have no way to download the rubric. (We've resorted to taking individual screen shots.)


This is important for accreditation - we need an archive of everything related to an assignment. Students need this for their e-portfolios, too.


This is related to a request in the old pre-2015 Zendesk request:

https://help.instructure.com/entries/22865834-Download-Speedgrader-Comments-with-Assignments which requested just that Assignment Comments be included. I would like to add Rubrics, too.


This idea was considered when developing our product plan for Q4 2019 and is not expected to influence development within Canvas at this time.

:smileyinfo: This idea will remain open for vote.

:smileyinfo: If this idea is in the top 10% by vote next cycle it will be reconsidered.


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Community Member

Are we any further along with this? (It's been 5 years!!) Being able to download marked and annotated rubrics is basic. We can download annotated scripts so why not the rubrics?

Community Member

We would love this feature as well. Currently, even though the speedgraded document is downloadable as a dynamic file, the process to make the comments also appear in the printed file is very tedioous and glitchy. Up-voting this please consider.

Community Member

I'd also like Canvas to reconsider their decision and make this feature.

Agree with amberckerr and simone_laughton

Community Novice

If you are making comments on a student assignment in the "assignment comments" box on the right-hand menu, you cannot download them with the student assignment. It would be great if you could, especially when providing work samples of student work. Without the teacher comments, the samples aren't nearly as helpful. 

Community Member

I'm sorry, but this seems like a pretty basic feature. We should be able to download a simple spreadsheet of graded rubrics for an assignment. This has been open for five years. Please implement or provide a workaround!!

Thank you.

Community Explorer

University of Maryland very much endorses the development of a feature that will enable faculty (and accreditors) to export rubric data per student and a "whole class" item analysis of each rubric criterion.   Second only to a peer review tool that actually supports the desired outcomes of a peer review process, this would be an exceptional improvement to the tool set.

Community Contributor

Please implement this idea! 

Community Member

The ability to download rubric scores and associated comments (say, into an Excel spreadsheet) would be a very useful tool for accreditation!

Community Member

I like to keep copies I have made on student work in my files so that two, three, five, or however many years later I have them available when former students ask for recommendations. I used to keep one file for each assignment and copy and paste my end comments there. Now that I'm grading in Canvas, I would have to download every single comment; they are all PDFS, which take up more space than a Word file; and each one is a separate document. It would be nice to be able to download the whole batch for each assignment, with the name of the student to whom the comments refer, as a single file (in whatever form--PDF, txt., Word--I'm less fussy about that). How about it, Canvas?

Community Explorer

I was just asked about this very idea by multiple faculty members.  At present it appears there is no way to vote on this. (?)  Agreed this is a basic ability of a rubric for records and accreditation.  Looks like our department may develop its own rubric outside of Canvas so they can keep the record of achievement over time for an enhancement program.  This seems a very wasteful use of time when the tool exists IN Canvas.  Unfortunately they can't use it for the desired purpose as currently exists without being able to collate results.