Download who uploaded assignment without grading


I would like to download a list of students who uploaded an assignment (in time) and who did not, without having to grade the assignments first. Just a simple yes/no spreadsheet. 


thank you!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Thanks for sharing this idea. The ability to run a missing assignments report is currently scheduled to be released on September 19, as part of the enhancements to New Analytics, which provides downloadable CSV files for missing assignments, late assignments, excused assignments, the class roster, and course activity data. Please refer to Missing Assignment Report for more information.

Community Member

Dear @Stef_retired ,

thanks so much for you quick reply. This is going to be helpful. However, would it also record the students who DID upload the assignments? (my Canvas class list is still changing a lot, as it is early in the semester, so I don't have a full class list ready to deduce the ones who DID submit).

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Would you post that question to the comments section of the release notes? This is one of the few upcoming feature enhancements that isn't available to test in beta so I can't readily confirm this for you.

Community Member

@Stef_retired : Thank you, just did it