Duplicate Quizzes Easily


Dear Canvas, Please allow duplication of quizzes within the course with a simple duplicate button just like other assignments/pages/etc. The "Copy To" feature is great, but it seems like an extra few steps to do something as easy as duplicate. 

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @philrice ‌, thanks for sharing this idea. We've archived it for two reasons:

  • This functionality is already available for users of New Quizzes, which are based on the Assignment content type. Quizzes created in the new quiz tool can be duplicated in the same manner as any other assignment: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-11793-how-do-i-duplicate-an-assignment 
  • Our teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled for deprecation in early 2021.

Please read through the resources in the User Group: New Quizzes‌ to learn more about how you can get started trying out the new quiz tool in a sandbox or in live courses.

Thanks again, Phil. Stay safe, and stay well. Smiley Happy