Eliminate the finality of the button that hides a module.


I have had students who inadvertently hide a module's contents. There needs to be a way to prevent a module from being hidden -- at least not without a strong reminder that it is happening....

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating


Thanks for sharing this idea. To clarify, are you referencing a student's experience in collapsing a single module with a different way to demonstrate to the student in the user interface that a module has been collapsed, or a different way for students who use the Expand All/Collapse All button at the top of the page?

Also, could you please explain "finality" in this context? The student can click on the downward pointing triangle to collapse the module's contents, but can then click on what is now displaying as a triangle now pointing to the right to reveal those contents once again. Similarly, when the student collapses all modules by clicking on the Collapse All button, the button changes to read Expand All. These are both reversible actions.

The lesson How do I view Modules as a student? - Canvas Community provides detailed instructions and screenshots.

Thanks for providing clarification!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived