Global Navigation Issues for Canvas Announcements: Users Can still reply via e-mail.


I met with Canvas chat about an instructor who disabled comments on announcements globally, but a student was still able to comment. It was determined that regardless of comments being turned off by announcement vs. globally disabled, students can still reply to comments, announcements, etc. via e-mail. I was told the case would be forwarded to an engineer, but no timeline guesses as to when this would be fixed. 


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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @MGrimes3 -

Thanks for reaching out to the Community. We're looking into this, but it would be really helpful if you are able to share your case number. That will allow the Community Team to collaborate with Support and determine whether or not you have noticed a bug or if this is a request that needs to go through our Idea process. 


Community Member

Case #08502379 🙂 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @MGrimes3 -

Thanks for sharing that case number. I was able to confirm that your case is associated with a ticket that is in our system. As soon as a solution has been created and available, you'll receive a notification. That notification will be associated with your case number too.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the timeline is. This is a bug and our engineers are working on the best way to fix the issue and have Announcements work as intended as quickly as possible.