INTUITIVE Canvas Community Upvote


Clicking the five stars to upvote an idea is NOT intuitive on canvas community. A lot of new users go directly to the comments section to beg for a feature without even noticing that they could upvote it! There needs to be a 100% CLEAR call to action here if you want any validity in your decisions to work on certain feature requests based on the number of votes. 

Look at this example: Only 9 votes and 127 comments...

Screenshot 2021-01-20 110058.png

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived

@adamboyce Thank you for your feedback about the star rating interface. We've been working with the platform provider to improve its functionality; in the meantime, we recently worked with them to have the star modal moved to a more prominent spot.

Please know that the comments and use cases provided in the comments are the primary driver for our product teams. We're not using a voting system that prioritizes idea conversations according to a specific number of stars or votes. The blog post Community Feedback and Communication - Canvas Community goes into greater detail.

As the Idea Conversations forum is designed to accommodate requests for enhancements to the Canvas LMS specifically, we've archived this idea. That said, we greatly appreciate your feedback about the third-party platform on which this community is built, and if you'd like to engage others in a conversation about its functionality, we invite you to look through the posts in the designated spot for those conversations—Community Users - Canvas Community—and add your own post there if you'd like.