[New Quizzes] Respect term dates for specific roles

Problem statement:

Currently, new quizzes will not push an updated quiz grade to the gradebook if the term end date has passed, even if the end date for teachers (or other grader roles) is still in the future. The score is updated in the quiz but not in the gradebook. Classic quizzes and all other core tools allow teachers to push grades to the gradebook if the term is still open for the role of the person doing the grading.

Proposed solution:

New quizzes should respect role-specific term dates and allow graders to push grades to the GB even if the term date has passed as long as the end date for the grader's role is in the future.

User role(s):


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Community Champion

Wow, thank you for finding this and reporting it as an idea.   We haven't used NQ enough to discover these problems.   I sure do hope these things get fixed.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme