Option to disable the "Welcome Tour" in settings?!


The canvas tour uses a cookie to determine if it has been shown to the user before. Unfortunately for users who clear cookies or use private browsing between canvas logins, the tour shows up on every single new canvas tab, including opening additional pages in a new tab.

This issue can be solved by adding a setting to disable the tour, as has already been done for the teacher welcome tour in Please, please, please tell me how to make the "Welcome Tour" go away?!. Can we please get this for students?

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

get a userscript manager addon for your browser and put this in it since canvas is incompetent


@-moz-document domain("barringtonschools.instructure.com") {
.css-1l8qv42 {display:none;}.help-tray.MYpOQ_bGBk{display:none;}.help-tray.navigation-tray-container {display:none;}.reactour__helper {display:none;}



Community Member

UPDATE: I'm using Stylus for Firefox and the code is still throwing an error. I went to your profile and found other code to use with stylus, but it's still appearing. Any suggestions?






Thanks JosephLynn,

This is a beautiful hack and I really appreciate it. How do I get rid of the " eslint: null - Parsing error: Unexpected character '@' " syntax error?




Community Member

Oh, I probably shouldn't have parsed the code for my own school domain. Let me rebeautify the code so it isn't broken (I only added my own school's domain to the format, should have just put the domain), moz format doesn't do anything needed anyway.

I added a tutorial

.css-1l8qv42 {
.help-tray.navigation-tray-container {
.reactour__helper {


Community Member

Faculty from my institution would also like a setting in their profile to be able to turn off tour features without having to rely on cookies. Thank you.

Community Champion

I love the concept of the tour but I agree this should be something set as an individual option and completion marked in the profile instead of using cookies (I use multiple devices and browsers and clear my cache often).  This could become cringe-worthy. 

Community Participant

I agree 100% with Kori Schneider. We have used Canvas for almost 10 years and have very few new users. It would be far better as an feature one could choose instead of one that pops up automatically and doesn't seem to have a "dismiss" option.

Community Novice

it would be great if yall set up the tour to not pop back up after it has been taken, or put a box to click to no longer have the tour show up. it has been slightly aggravating when it keeps popping up even when I take the tour , and also click the x at the top and it returns every time I log in. 


I think this would make a quick fix and benefit many people in the long run.

Community Novice

Everytime I open up Canvas on my computer, it always shows that stupid message that asks if I want to take the Student Tour, whatever that is, and it's so annoying to constantly have to close the message everytime I open the page. There should be a feature that allows you to turn off that message like a switch or something, that would be extremely welcome and make it way less annoying to open Canvas.

Community Explorer

I have this problem too and have not figured out how to turn it off. Pain in the you know where...

Community Novice

I clear cache and cookies regularly and every time I log in, I get the "welcome tour" message. 


This happens whether I'm using my work computer or home computer, and even my cell phone. 


I hate that Panda and Star thingie so much. Make an option to toggle that "Little Lost?" or "Tour" popup so people who are familiar with Canvas don't get annoyed every time we have to log in. 

Community Explorer

Totally agree. It is ridiculous that you can never turn this off, even after you've given in and viewed the **bleep** tour!

Community Member

Every time I sign into Canvas I get two "student tour" message popups, which are great...at first.  Can you allow students to turn them off, though?  They pop up every time I sign into Canvas...every time.  I can not do anything until I click on them to go away.  

Community Member

Many Thanks, JL!

Community Participant

Hmmm first posted 2 years ago!! Can I go out on a limb and say there's no resolution to this issue?  Please tell me there's a way to shut this off?

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As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.