Password Change for non-SIS users

Good Afternoon All,

I think having a way that non SIS imported users can change their password would be a valuable feature to have.  We have some users that are not controlled by our SAML provider but need to be able to change their password while still not showing the password change option for our users that log in with our SAML provider.

Community Champion

Voted!  @jvail  just making sure you're aware of a workaround for non-SIS which users is possible with Canvas now.

In brief, make sure the non-SIS-imported users do not have an SIS ID on their login, and that they also have a way to reach the native Canvas login route at https://<your_canvas_domain>/login/canvas to use "Forgot Password?" and request a reset.  Password change via a reset is available this way; however, in this scenario, password change at Account > Settings isn't available.  (I'm guessing the latter is the intention of this feature idea.)

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.