[Rich Content Editor] Paste Images into Canvas

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

I want the ability to paste images directly into Canvas from the clipboard. An example: I want to use Windows Snipping tool (or any other screenshot tool) to create an image. I then want to CTL-C to copy it and CTL-V to paste it into a quiz or assignment or content page in Canvas. Another example would be Copy-Pasting from a Word document into Canvas. This site is able to do it! I just did it below! Let's get this implemented in Canvas!



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Community Novice

Please do this!

Community Coach
Community Coach

I am frustrated that this has not been taken further and find it slightly ironic that copy/paste of images is possible on the Community forum.

We do need a balance between impact of use and ease of design.

So many VLEs have failed or remain in the hands of the more technical people just over issues like this. If we are to blend digital learning with traditional methods then more needs to be done to support the classroom teacher. More often than not we are asking them to make substantial changes to how they deliver, assess and develop skills, knowledge and understanding. Increasingly this is done with limited resources to support training in school and very often not with any initial teacher trainign expertise.

Too many VLEs, Canvas included do not spend enough time on ease of design use in key areas that would persuade teachers to mvoe to digital platforms. These include

  • Use HTML Editor when pasting in code - why not click on the RCE and press a button to paste code in a text box to enter at that point?
  • Resizing of screens eg abilty to make the RCE go full size to make it easier to create pages
  • Drag and drop images, as explained above
  • Embedding of Office files that play on screen rather than links

Am sure there are more...

Having been involved in the development of VLEs for the last 12+yrs the one thing I can say for certain is that the digital expertise of teachers has not developed in the same way that technology and access to technology has. For this reason I side firmly with those we ask to make rather than those we ask to watch and read.

Community Novice

Thank you Gideon! I agree that is frustrating. To tell you the truth I have largely stopped voting and submitting ideas because of the lack of execution. 

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Participant

     I think that a large part of the issue is also the natural division of LMS needs and requirements that higher ed and K-12 have. In my conversations with people from higher ed institutions, I've learned that they usually have "course designers" who do all of the course-building work for the instructors. Course designers have the skills and TIME to navigate around the Canvas environment as it is, learning how to work around its idiosyncrasies and pinch points via HTML, CSS, etc.

     Almost all classroom teachers in k-12 have no such person to depend upon; all but the largest and/or wealthiest school systems simply cannot afford to hire course designers. K-12 teachers simply don't have the time in their ridiculously busy schedules to become Canvas and HTML/CSS coding experts.

     As an instructional technology coach to those teachers, I see their frustration and exhaustion every day, and it pains me deeply. Then I come to this Ideas area, and I see that many of the ideas being shelved are ones that our K-12 teachers desperately need in order to build effective course material.

     My take on all of this, after many conversations/observations with other Canvas users across the spectrum of K-12 and Higher Ed? I believe that Canvas needs to have 2 separate LMS products. Why?

  1. K-12 LMS needs are so different from higher ed's needs. I don't think anyone will argue with that. A separate LMS would free design teams at Instructure to focus on a narrower user set and to provide a more robust product for said users.
  2. I believe that a division is necessary because the higher ed community's needs naturally tend to take priority at Instructure due to their greater economic clout. This is not a criticism of the Instructure company; this is just a reality in the world of business.
  3. I believe that a division is necessary because the higher ed community's needs naturally tend to take priority at Instructure due to their Instructional Designers' generally stronger understanding of the "back end" of software engineering, which makes them more eloquent  and competent-sounding in their interactions with Canvas design teams. Also, their similar educational and experiential backgrounds contribute to a natural affinity for them because it's a normal human tendency to gravitate to people with whom you have more in common. This is not a criticism of Instructure employees; this is just a reality in the workings of the human brain and psyche.

     Until this division of LMS products occurs, I don't think the Canvas LMS will be able to reach many - even most - of K-12 Canvas teachers. And Canvas isn't alone in this disconnect with teachers; I think this is a problem across the LMS product spectrum.

     And with my thesis now outlined, I will descend from my soapbox. :smileyblush: :smileysilly:

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

bogardde, the idea of separate LMSs for Higher Ed and K-12 has been a subject of considerable discussion in the Community. You might be interested in reviewing the pros and cons offered in the comments section of this topic in the K-12​ group, if you haven't already: Separate Version of Canvas for K12

Community Participant

Thank you for directing me to that discussion, Stefanie Sanders!

Community Contributor

Yes, great idea! Would the pasted image then be stored in the Files>Images folder? Thanks to stefaniesanders‌ for this reference from another similar idea.


Community Explorer

April 2017 and still waiting....

Community Participant

 @robert_byng    Hopefully we will not be waiting too much longer! This made the top 10 on the Khaki 2017 list of priorities:

What in the world does Khaki have to do with Canvas?