Percentages Should be able to be Turned Off


Why can't we turn off percentages in the Canvas grade book? Please make it so that students are unable to see a percentage in the overall grade unless the teacher selects this option.


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @abander -

Thanks for sharing your idea with the Community!

I did a quick search, and I wonder if Allow "Display As" Options for Final Grade and Assignment Groups would allow you to accomplish what you describe. If so, we can merge the two threads to help Community Members and our Product Team follow the request.

I look forward to collaborating. 🙂

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @abander  -

I'm checking in! If you are unable to provide an update regarding this idea by June 29, we will need to archive it to help the Community Team focus on current Ideas. If you need more time, that's okay too! Providing an update before that time would be helpful and appreciated. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived