Picture or emoji, availability for assignment titles


I am a kindergarten teacher. Students do not yet know how to read. Providing teachers a tool to add words and pictures/emojis to the title of the assignment would make content more accessible for kids. For example, if the assignment is snowman having a picture or emoji with that option would allow students to get to that assignment with little to know assistance. The tool or option would not just be helpful for kindergarten students, but also for students who struggle to read. 


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I definitely understand your use case! I think with the little shortcuts on your keyboard, you'll be able to do this, without something new from Canvas.

On a PC, try Windows + . 

On a Mac, try control + command + spacebar

There are lots of emoji dictionaries for copy/paste too.https://getemoji.com/ is just one of a few I referenced while I built courses when I taught. Even with high school students, the consistent visual on an item helped them navigate large modules. I even used 📌  to bring attention to our current module.