Quiz Statistics: Show Respondents in alphabetical order


To speed up marking quizzes by question it would be fantastic if when you click "respondents" on the ungraded answers that the student names were sorted alphabetically as they appear in Canvas so it would be much quicker to navigate.

Currently I think the view is based on the order of completion, but when the questions are randomly selected from a pool it doesn't allow the "grade by question" so it is manually navigating in SpeedGrader as the only way around this.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating

Thanks for sharing this idea, @alice_johnstone . Are you using this page in the grading process? Also, with respect to one-question-at-a-time grading, would you evaluate  Improve Grade One Question at a time  and the associated ideas linked in the idea description?

Community Explorer

Hi @Stef_retired 

No, we don't have access to "new quizzes" yet so this is still the original quiz in Canvas.Capture.PNG


And yes the "grade by question" definitely is needed still

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived

Thanks for the reply, @alice_johnstone . Our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled for deprecation, so we've archived this idea.