Quizzes Accommodations and Modifications


I work as a special education teacher in the a larger public school district. The majority of my day is spent in the co-taught setting. Giving me a mix of students with and without IEP accommodations. The one struggle we have had this year has been testing for students with IEPs. Each IEP is different for the student and each student uses the modifications and accommodations of their IEPs differently. I have three suggestions that I would greatly benefit both students with IEPs and general education students. 


First off, there needs to be a way for students to have the test read to them in quizzes. Many students, especially in the CT classroom, don't want to be taken out of the room to take a test. Some get embarrassed by it, this shouldn't be the case, but this is the nature of school today. It would be great to be able to share the test with the student and they can put headphones in and have it read to them from their desk. I have seen this suggested before, I have even suggested it myself, it is something that is desperately needed for all students and teachers. 


Secondly, if it is too hard or time consuming to program a way for the site to read test's then give an option for teachers to also record the question while they are making the test. This way students can have an option to listen to questions, and control which questions they listen to. This would be a fair compromise to the test read function that would still allow for quite a bit of versatility. Would also be very useful in the general education setting.


Lastly, a large part of modifying test's is re-wording questions and deleting options from multiple choice questions. I can't ask you to design a function to word question's differently, that would be too much. However, I can ask that in the section that allows you to administer the test and the time add an ability to limit response options on multiple choice. Many times students are given 4 options to choose, and in order to limit response options I have to create an entirely new test and manually delete incorrect responses. Then share the two different test's with the different students, which can get messy. Having the ability to go onto that admin page and select the students and limit their responses to 3 or even 2 would be a game changer for modifying tests at the high school level.


Those three quizzes upgrades would be extremely beneficial for special education and general education teachers and students. It would drastically increase the usability and versatility of canvas quizzes. 

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived

@Nnewton1221 Thanks for sharing all these suggestions. The Idea Conversations forum accommodates singularly-focused prompts—that is to say, one idea per discussion. Please read through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community? for guidance on writing ideas.

As a prospective voter would not be able to accurately express support here, we've archived this idea.

Should you decide to write a new idea submission for each one of these, please keep in mind that our product teams are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled for deprecation. The Idea Conversations forum contains many suggestions for enhancements to the new quiz tool, so please include the search term "New Quizzes" when you search for existing ideas to support before writing a new one.

Thanks again.